Transforming Our Global Health Workforce to Achieve Health Equity, One Conversation at a Time!
Who we are
uBuntuSpeaks, LLC is a leading U.S. – based professional development training consulting firm which specializes in practical skills acquisition and strength development, cultural competency and communication, and team building and employee engagement. Our focus is the global health workforce.
uBuntuSpeaks, LLC assists global health organizations, medical and public health learning institutions. Our consulting firm helps them optimize their workforce productivity, cultural competencies and employee engagement. Our approach helps reduce people problems and improve effective and authentic communication. uBuntuSpeaks is dedicated to building the capacities and competencies of healthcare professionals. We use evidence based, cross cutting, hands-on health workforce development strategies. As well as, utilize training services for cross and intercultural communication, team building and employee engagement.
Together, we create tailor-made, action-oriented solutions to:
Transform your global health workforce, reduce people problems, and increase employee engagement and productivity
Successfully provide cross and intercultural communication competencies that prevent embarrassing mistakes that can affect your overall mission, stance in the world, bottom line and brand
Ensure that you are meeting the needs of your diverse, multicultural and ethnic global health care staff and global client base
Our Vision
uBuntuSpeaks, LLC’s Vision is to foster healthier, nurturing and prosperous communities across the world. Every health professional should have the confidence and self efficacy to successfully provide quality healthcare. These services should be accessible to all in need, regardless of who they are, where they live, economic status or education.
Global Health Workforce Network GHWN Published on Jan 26, 2011
Our Mission
uBuntuSpeaks, LLC’s Mission is to ensure global health equity is accessible to all around the world. We develop and train generations of global health professionals. Our goal is to enhance their health programming skills, cross cultural communication and competencies. It allows for more equitable, quality and cross cultural sensitive services which lead to healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages globally.
Our Core Values
uBuntuSpeaks, LLC guiding principles are based on the UBUNTU South African philosophy of human interconnectednessis which holds three core values.
I am who I am because we all are
My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in what is yours
Respect for others, helpfulness, kindness, community, sharing, caring, trust, and unselfishness
uBuntuSpeaks has a strong passion for global health quality, equity and “human-potential resource” optimization. We strongly believe in the South African philosophy of human interconnectedness — “I am who I am because of who we all are. Our hope is that global, medical and public health organizations / institutions will adopt the UBUNTU’s core values to maximize the performance of their workforces.
Our Experiences
uBuntuSpeaks, LLC’s Global Health Experts and Trainers are multilingual (English, French, Spanish) with over 15 years of experience in public health, international development, cultural awareness and communication competence. They also have significant achievements leading global health workforce development and communication projects with organizations including:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- United States Peace Corps
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- Fulbright Fellowship Program
Together let us meet your global health workforce needs in order to successfully transform and optimize it to achieve health equity and excellence.

Hermence Matsotsa
Founder & CEO
“My drive and commitment for motivating, empowering, and assisting others to see the best within themselves and do good in the world comes from my understanding of Poet and Author Maya Angelou quote- I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”